
不听音频怎么会知道有没有彩蛋呢(??????)??商业│巧克力不见了    deficit n.赤字1. de-:从…离开,从…向下debacle n.崩溃,失…





  deficit n.赤字

1. de-:从…离开,从…向下

debacle n.崩溃,失败

debar vt.排除,防止,禁止

2. fic-(fac-,fact-,fect-,fig-):make,do

affair n.事件,事务

difficult adj.困难的




  Don't watch if you're hungry but please watch in HD!


  I had an absolute blast shooting at the factory and even more fun tasting all the fantastic pieces of chocolate and candy.





  Why the chocolate will swell to 1million metric ton deficit by 2020?



  C.Supply keeps up with the demand.

  [ 文中,“Disease, drought, an increase in demand from Chinese markets, as well as the rising popularity of dark chocolate — which requires more cocoa to produce — have combined to create on what will swell to a 1 million metric ton deficit by 2020, and a potential 2 million metric ton deficit by 2030.”]




  astronomical: adj. 极大的;天文数字的


astrology n.占星学,占星术

astronomer n .天文学家


  Though Antonio Stradivari crafted harps, guitars, cellos and violas,it is for his violins—of which only about 500 survive—that he remains famous.

  主干识别:it is for his violins that he remains famous.(he remains famouse for his violins)

  并且这是一个强调句,it is…that ,其中that 不可省略。

  让步状语从句:Though Antonio Stradivari crafted harps, guitars, cellos and violas,

  定语从句:of which only about 500 survive 用于解释violins




  ntonio Stradivari简介:




  Why people are coveted for the violin crafted by Antonia Stradivari?


  B.Sound quality.

  C.Distinctive golden varnish.

  [文中,“They are coveted for their sound quality, possibly produced by their unusual balance of wood densities, their dimensions or even their distinctive golden varnish.”人们追捧安东尼奥的小提琴的主要原因是它的好音质,不是造就了好音质的材质和材料。]


  Why the sellers worry the violin fails to sell?

  A.Demand may be waning.

  B.The guide price is too high.

  C.Unsuitable for contemporary music.

  [ 文中,“ The sellers may have reason to worry: in 2014 a Stradivarius violin valued at $7.5m and a viola valued at an astronomical $45m both failed to sell.Demand may be waning.”C是需求减少的原因。B不是主要原因。因此A为正确选项。]


  社会│Open Access 的浪潮


stipulate: vt. 规定

stip-:to press together

stiff adj.坚硬的,严厉的

  constipate vt.使迟钝,使便秘


  The foundation will now direct beneficiariesof its $4bn-a-year largessetowards a repository set up last year by the Wellcome Trust, which puts publications in public view during the editorial-review process.

  主干识别:The foundation will now direct beneficiaries towards a repository. (direct …towards)

  后置定语:set up last year by the Wellcome Trust 用于修饰repository (set up 建立)

  定语从句:which puts publications in public view during the editorial-review process. 用于修饰Wellcome Trust





open access logo

  Open access logo, originally designed by Public Library of Science.Whilst no official open access logo exists, organisations are free to select the logo style that best supports their visual language.


  Why the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation established the open-access publishing?

  A.Journals charge hefty subion fees.

  B.Journals can take years to publish.

  C.Journals will completely journal-free.

  [文中,“Journals have been the principal means of disseminating science since the 17th century, but many still charge hefty subion fees, and it can take years to publish. ”]




possibility n.可能性

poss-(pot-,pow-):powerful,capable of

despot n.专制君主,暴君

possess vt.持有,占有


  Although revenue growth is still strong, helped by the rise of cross-border e-commerce,there are worries over the bottom line.

  主干分析:there are worries over the bottom line.

  让步状语从句: Although revenue growth is still strong,

  插入语:helped by the rise of cross-border e-commerce,补充说明rsvenue growth is still strong




  迈克尔·波特(Michael E.Porter)是当今世界上少数最具影响力的管理学家之一,同时也是当今全球第一战略权威,是商业管理界公认的“竞争战略之父”,在2005年世界管理思想家50强排行榜上位居第一。迈克尔·波特在世界管理思想界被誉为“活着的传奇”。



  Why the author say"Fred Smith chose the right moment"?

  A.Falling trade barriers.

  B.Rising protectionism in Europe and America.

  C.Helped by the rise of cross-border e-commerce.

  [文中,“Falling trade barriers helped turn the startup into the world's largest air-cargo business.

  Although revenue growth is still strong, helped by the rise of cross-border e-commerce, there are worries over the bottom line. ” ]




impeachment: n. 弹劾


immigrant n.移民

immure vt.监禁,禁闭


  Remarkably,all the political drama has not affected the share price, which has climbed by 60% in the past year, to all-time highs.

  主干分析:all the political drama has not affected the share price

  定语从句:which has climbed by 60% in the past year 修饰share price

  后置定语: to all-time highs.修饰share price






三星galaxy s8+




  What do we know about the disastrous Galaxy Note 7?

  A.Fire-prone batteries.

  B.Amended air-travel advice.

  C.A new virtual assistant.

  [文中“It is the first smartphone Samsung has released since the disastrous Galaxy Note 7, whose fire-prone batteries led to an informal recall and amended air-travel advice the world over.”]


  Which character is NOT mentioned about the new boring handset?

  A.A large screen.

  B.Siri,a new virtual assistant.

  C.Powerful camera.

  [文中,“ The new phone is expected to have a large screen, powerful camera and Bixby, a new virtual assistant—all additions that are more adaptations of existing features than true innovations.”]



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Open Access 的浪潮






作者: 万达哈希

